Thursday, December 18th, 2008
we will be screening selections from the archive in the interest of learning something about the aesthetics of bootlegged, borrowed, counterfeit, stolen, pirated video!
Featuring videos by: Elaine Sturtevant, Keith Sanborn, Cheryl Donegan, Arthur Ou, Sam Gordon, Cory Arcangel, Mariah Robertson, Paul Pfeiffer, Jay Heikes, Dean Sameshima, Kalup Linzy, Miljohn Ruperto, Becca Albee, Erika Vogt, Rashawn Griffin, Davide Balula, Suntek Chung, AND MORE....guest picks from!
6-9 PM (Actual Screening is during the first hour - to be followed by NADA's Christmas party!)
at John Connelly Presents
625 W 27th Street
(between 11th and 12th Avenues)
xo B'L'ing