Thursday, March 27, 2008

B'L'ing at Dark Fair

Bring DVDs to the the Swiss Institute to trade!

B'L'ing Trading Post
Dark Fair!

Friday, March 28, 6p-12a
Sat, March 29, 12p-9p
Swiss Institute [SI]
495 Broadway, 3rd Fl.
New York, NY 10012
tel. 212-925-2035

B-o o t*y Le %g  Video  & DVD Art, Artsy films, Experimental Film Classics, PLUS.....
Contributions from: Lucky Dragons, Sandy Yang, Mike Smith, Mason Cooley, Marie Jager, Cheryl Donegan, Liam Gillick, Anne Eastman, Michael Stickrod, Arthur Ou, George Porcari, Cory Arcangel, Jay Heikes, Amy Yao, Chris Moukarbel, Becca Albee, Erika Vogt, Josh Blackwell, Seana Carroll, Marina Ops, Walt Paper, Michel Auder, Reka Reisinger, Michael Roy, Brina Thurston, Rob Roth, Rachel Mason, Ian Cooper, Jonathen Rafman, Josh Tonsfeldt, Baker Overstreet, Adriana Lara, Ida Eckblad, Alice Konitz, Pete Deevakul + MORE!!